Jury Trial Services for Lawyers
Ken Adair’s Trial.Win offers three primary services designed to maximize your effectiveness at trial:
First or Second Chair Co-Counsel
Ken is able to quickly step in as first or second chair co-counsel to support you in any way you need during the trial preparation process and during the trial itself. His years of experience as a trial lawyer provide him the ability to examine and cross-examine witnesses in addition to taking lead on opening or closing arguments. Ken’s varied skills and team player attitude enable him to do everything from planning a winning trial strategy to preparing to argue motions.. With scalable co-counsel at their side, trial attorneys can concentrate on the bigger picture issues in a case while scaling their own role to a client’s best advantage.
Trial Preparation Services
Without proper preparation, even the most convincing orator will be left foundering when the stakes are high. Knowing how evidence and testimony are woven into the story are key elements of trial preparation. Ken works with you and your team to compile a thorough, easily understandable, and useful trial book where all the evidence is at hand to buttress your narrative help you make your case to the jury. His diligent and organized method collects evidence into relevant books for each witness or issue, if applicable, in a chronological or other relevant format so you’re not left flipping through notes when you need to reference a specific piece of testimony or a crucial report.
Focus Groups
All the evidence in the world may not be enough when your presentation still leaves the jury with lingering doubt. Ken’s extensive courtroom experience allows him to easily focus group your case to discover potential weaknesses. From a dry run with the mock jury returning a verdict to in-depth pyschodramatic work, no trial-related issue is too minute for our firm. We work to find how to overcome obstacles at trial and provide the information and explanation that juries need to your client in the best position for a successful resolution of their case.
No matter what type of support your firm needs for an upcoming case, Ken Adair is here to help advance your efforts. From support on issues such as routine motions and voir dire to crafting a trial strategy that covers every issue, Trial.Win can help you pave the way to the verdict your client prefers.
Request a Consultation Now
Before you tread alone into a vexing trial scenario, contact retired judge Ken Adair to discover how Trial.Win litigation support services can improve your confidence and leave you better prepared to tell your client’s story in terms that can move a decision in your favor.
Whether you envision support through co-counsel services, need assistance in trial preparation or hope to clarify questions for trial in a focus group setting, the process usually starts with a no-cost, no-obligation telephone consultation. In a brief conversation, we can identify significant risks and opportunities your client faces at trail then chart a course to build a winning team that will be fully prepared on the day your client’s court proceeding begins.
To begin your initial inquiry, and to learn about terms and costs for Trail.Win litigation strategy services, call (918) 984-9359.